Saturday, July 14, 2007

Despedidas (Farewell, Good Bye)

Adios = Good-bye
Hasta Manana = See you tomorrow
Hasta luego = See you later
Hasta pronto = See you soon

Respuestas a Saludos (Responses to Greetings)

Bien = Fine
Muy bien = Very well, fine
Muy bien, gracias = Fine, thank you
Y Usted? = and you?
Bastante bien = Pretty well
Regular = so, so
Mal = not well, badly
Mas o Menos = more or less, so so
No muy bien = not ver well

Saturday, July 7, 2007

(Saludos y Despedidas)

Buenos Dias - Good Morning

Buenas Tardes - Good afternoon

Buenas Noches - Good evening

Hola - hello, hi

Que Tal? - What's up? How goes it?

Que hay? - What's new?

Como estas - how are you?

Como esta usted - How are you? (formal)